Read Write Inc.
When the children begin in school in Reception, they start to read and write with Read Write Inc. phonics. Read Write Inc. phonics is a phonic programme that gets children reading and writing quickly. The programme includes teaching children to:
Understand phoneme-grapheme correspondence for reading and spelling. This is taught quickly and effectively using mnemonic associations.
Read single and multi-syllabic words containing specific phoneme/grapheme correspondences.
Children use phoneme-blending (or ‘synthesising’) for word-reading, progressing from the simplest level to more complex levels.
Read phonetically irregular words. Children are taught to read the small number of words that do not follow a regular phonic pattern.
Read texts containing carefully controlled phonic and irregular vocabulary. These are very lively texts that are written to include a range of fiction and non-fiction genres. They have been specially written to help children practise reading words containing a controlled and cumulative phonic vocabulary. Once children can ‘decode’ the text, they are then helped to re-tell, summarise, read with appropriate intonation and discuss key questions about the text.
Spell words containing a gradual build-up of phoneme-grapheme correspondences. Children learn to spell a controlled and cumulative phonic vocabulary using a simple system that has proved highly successful. They are also taught to spell the small number of irregular words.